The eleventh meeting of the EU-Serbia Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) took place in February. Current situation of the relationship between EU and Serbia and negotiations in the EU accession process, EC Progress Report 2020, situation in civil society and rule of law were discussed at the meeting. JCC adopted Joint Declaration with 17 votes for and one abstention vote.
Regarding background information, in line with the Stabilization and Association Agreement JCC was established between EU and Serbia. This body consisting of 18 members (9 representatives of the European Economic and Social Council and 9 representatives of Serbian Civil Society) enables civil society organisations to follow the accession process and give their opinion and recommendations to the Government of Serbia and EU institutions. It also includes the representatives of trade unions, employers’ organisations and NGOs.
The importance of civil society in the accession process, necessary reforms oriented towards democratization and transparency with long-term results, election conditions that need to be seriously dealt with, were pointed out at the meeting. EU offered support to Serbia in overcoming the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and measures that were taken produced good results. Also, considerable sums were allocated (70 million euros) for the vaccination and provisions of vaccines even though there are delays in the delivery in the EU region, as well.
The application of new methodology in the accession process, which was accepted by Serbia, is important in the sense of speeding up the process and greater interaction with the clusters. By the new methodology, the measure of success and progress in accession will no longer be the opening of SAA chapters, but the interaction in the clusters of economic and structural reforms and commitment to the accession process, including the creation of road map throughout the process. The appeal goes to European institutions and member states to continue offering support to the implementation of EU accession policy measures. Besides, Portugal, currently presiding the Council, is invited, the same as Slovenia which will take over the presidency, to continue maintaining a full swing in the accession process and to host as soon as possible the inter-government conference with Serbia, where future steps will be considered in line with the accession methodology. The importance of the debate at the Assembly on the EU Report is emphasized, as well as the establishment of such practice in the following period.
JCC members pointed out to good economic results, as well as the efforts to realize the idea of establishing better business environment through regional cooperation and promotion of the region as a unique investment destination. The activities were oriented towards providing support for initiatives within the regional economic area on the Western Balkans.
Regarding the situation of civil society, the need for more transparency and genuine dialogue was underlined. Having in mind that the safety of journalists is at risk, the new strategy on the media was welcomed, as well as the establishment of a work group for the protection of journalists, but also its real and full implementation.
According to the written agreement, safety, as well as decent and timely payment of salary and adequate solution of labour market issues such as the regulation of telework and informal economy, the principle of decent work is extremely important. State bodies of the Republic of Serbia are required to take necessary measures and actively include social partners in the provision of decent working conditions in a healthy business environment without corruption and with a higher employment protection level so that the biggest challenges on the Serbian labour market could be overcome, among which the biggest challenges are the brain drain and migration of labour force. Concern caused by the vision of the National Employment Strategy 2021-2026, which clearly represents a step back because the allocated resources for active employment measures are set at only 0.2% of GDP in 2026, was expressed.
Dialogue between civil society and institutions needs to be genuine and proposals/recommendations containing criticism need to be taken into consideration. Early inclusion of social partners in the creation of law by the line ministries is necessary because it increases the quality of the debate at the Social and Economic Council (SEC). It is important that draft laws which are discussed at the SEC are delivered to the National Assembly together with recommendations and opinion of the SEC. The importance of time that must not be wasted when it comes to reforms was pointed out and it was added that it required political will from both sides – both decision makers and Government of Serbia, and EU institutions.