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Upcoming Negotiations on Minimum Wage

Negotiations in the Social-Economic Council (SEC) are to begin in the middle of August. Zoran Mihajlović, Secretary of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, says that preparation for the negotiations on the minimum wage is well under way.
‘We are getting ready for several scenarios in negotiations that are to begin on August 15, which is the date of a regular meeting at the SEC. On July 24 we will make a decision on the negotiating team members. We have no intention of focusing on the minimum consumer’s basket because this term is no longer used anywhere. Consumer basket is consumer basket and all employees have the same rights, i.e. they have the right to normal living conditions, ‘says Mihajlović.
According to Zoran, CATUS will demand minimum wage to be a lot higher than the current value of minimum consumer basket.
‘Next year when new minimum wage is enforced, the value of consumer basket will go up and we need to bear this mind during this year’s negotiations. The outlook for 2027 is that the minimum wage should be 650 euros and now it amounts to 400 euros. For this to be reached, minimum wage should go up by 18% annually. We will see what the government will say about this, ‘points out Mihajlović.
Also, the employers are getting ready for the negotiations at the Social-Economic Council. This is confirmed by Nebojša Atanacković, honorary president of the Serbian Employers’ Association (SEA), who adds that employers are ready for the minimum wage increase but in realistic terms.
‘According to the poll conducted by the SEA, 80% of employers agree with the minimum wage increase, but it should be within the limits of economy. Next year there are two points we should think about, GDP growth and inflation. The minimum wage should not go below these indicators, ‘explains Atanacković.
‘If GDP growth is around 4% and the inflation around 4%, minimum wage increase cannot go higher than the sum of these two numbers, i.e. 8%. But if the government proposes a bigger increase, we will ask for its participation to make up for the difference. Previously the state decreased contributions for pension and disability insurance, raised the untaxed part of the salary, which is currently 25,000 dinars (214 euros). Economy has its own rules that it cannot escape from. In all countries salaries increase as much as the productivity, ‘stresses Atanacković.



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