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POSTEN project


Project was conducted from March 2021 till the end of June 2022 through the cooperation of trade union organizations from Italy, Malta, Norway, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia, employers’ association from Montenegro, Italy, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, two labour inspections / from Serbia and Slovenia and European Labour Mobility Institute. POSTEN is financially supported by the EU.
Project Site can be found at: posten-project.eu/

*Project main applicant *was Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia – Savez samostalnih sindikata Srbije.

*Co-applicants were: *
General Workers’ Union – GWU, Malta
Confederazione dei Sindacati Autonomi dei Lavoratori – CONF.S.A.L., Italy
Unija poslodavaca Crne Gore – UPCG, Montenegro
Stowarzyszenie Inicjatywa Mobilności Pracy – IMP, Poland
Neodvisni sindikat delavcev Slovenije – NSDS, Slovenia
Ogólnopolski Konwent Agencji Pracy – OKAP, Poland

*Associate organizations:*

Solidaritet Ekte Fagforening – SOLIDARITET, Norway
Confederaţia Naţionala Sindicală Cartel ALFA – C.N.S. Cartel ALFA, Romania
Employers’ Confederation of Industry, Agriculture, Constructions and Services of Romania – CONPIROM, Romania
Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia – OZS, Slovenia
Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy – MoLEVSA
Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities – MLFSE, Slovenia


Improvement of transnational administrative cooperation among social partners and national public authorities through new cooperation and monitoring mechanisms on implementation and enforcement of PWD.

Specific objectives:
§ Enhancing transnational cooperation between social partners and relevant national authorities on implementation of PoW directives in each country – new monitoring mechanisms
§ Envisaging effects of implementation of PWDs framework to OHS, working conditions of posted workers, social security and institutes of minimum wage – joint visit reports;
§ Exchanging best practices and experience and improving interregional cooperation via the IMI system and developing policy recommendations.


§ Serbia – Kick-off meeting – Start of Project
§ Serbia, Slovenia, Italy, Poland, Norway, Romania, Montenegro, Malta – Preparation of feasibility reports, tools and check lists
§ Slovenia – On-site joint trade union visits
§ Italy – On-site joint trade union visits
§ Norway – On-site joint trade union visits
§ Italy – Steering Committee meeting
§ Poland – European follow up conference
§ Serbia, Slovenia, Italy, Poland, Norway, Romania, Montenegro – Dissemination of results and new information

Project is the continuation of the previous project about posted workers POW – Protect our workers <www.facebook.com/powTUresearch/?ref=page_internal>, whose main applicant was also Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia.

In the framework of the Project POSTEN a study was made based on national reports from eight countries, out of which five are the EU member states: Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania and Slovenia, then Norway (EEA) and two EU candidate countries – Montenegro and Serbia. Evident differences which exist among these countries, regarding economic indicators, characteristics of the labour market, pay level, legislation, presented a special challenge. Implementation of the Directive 2018/957/EU on amending the Directive 96/71/EZ on posting of workers within the service sector, a year after it had been passed on July 30, 2020 its implementation was especially considered due to legislative unclearities for all actors and short period of time of its implemntation.
National reports were based on the insights of legislation, specificities of posting workers to the EU countries, available statistical data, results of research from previous projects and interviews with relevant representatives of partner organisations in the project and experts in the area of posting of workers. The study focused on the implementation of the revised Directive PWD in partner countries, i.e salaries/remuneration for posted workers in a certain country, social insurance and working conditions guaranteed by adequate solutions and similar relevant information. It was made with the intention to increase the knowledge of the posting of workers; point out to some doubts about the implementation of legislative regulations and open posibilities for the cooperation in finding optimal solutions.
At the end of the Project Memorandum was signed.



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